Saturday, September 14, 2019

Young Apprentice Transcript

The Young Apprentice Transcript Question: How do the candidates try to save themselves from elimination? Key:(}) spoken at the same time. (1) seconds someone pauses for(. ) short pause| | Key SIR ALAN: You three (1) Lewis and you Harry and you Mohammed,   you were the mobile team, okay. Who was selling? { All three of you? } Harry:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  { All three of us } and (. ) we had kind of adopted a strategy where basically, we would each, individually try and find customers, sell to them {and } (interrupted) (? ) SA:    {So you didn’t   adopt their strategy} where you had one person doing the ice cream and one} coordinating?Lewis: I wanted to go forward for that but Harry was too focused on getting his own sales so he could have that big number next to his name. SA: Right, how was you doing it? You was actually selling and scooping yourself? L: {Yeah to be fair, Mohammed was very weak when (. ) Can you actually let me fin ish? } Mohammed: {I think, I think, I don’t think that was me, I was persistent, I was confident I was approaching the {customers} †¦. S. A: Could you send the three of them in please? Receptionist: Yes Lord Sugar. SA: Well er, gentlemen I’ve had a chat with Karen and Nick (. There are, er, few things that I’m a bit concerned about. I’ll start with you harry apart from your little stroke of genius of actually going from the static {stall} Harry: {hmm} SA: and actually going on the beach there as the project leader just tell me what you think your strategic role was here. H: I (. ) took a huge role in leading, in leading this team. No one was confident enough to step up to it but I did, people trusted me to lead and people trusted my decision- (interrupted by James) James:- Harry, I’m confused as to why { I’m here}S. A: (agreeing) No, I†¦ J: I was the man with the ideas, everything came from me. No one else suggested any ideas as re gards to the br, the branding at all. I came up with the concept, I came up with the name, I said we get a pirate costume and then throughout the sales I think that I was the one who pulled in most of the attraction. {I’ve accepted (? ) } (interrupted by SA) S. A: {Woah, woah, woah woah, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on} you know, if you say things enough times you end up convincing yourself okay?Tell me about all of your ideas including dropping the price, er, to a {pound}.. J: (Trying to interrupt but fails){Well} SA: †¦ then think again about whether all of your ideas were that great. Don’t just pluck a few little things. J: No one else had any ideas. I came up with the idea to {call} (interrupted by SA) SA: {Harry, do you? } H: You cannot sit there and say that the whole meeting, you were discussing all the {ideas, and we were just sitting there, and were sitting there silently were we? I have a thing that} †¦M:   Ã‚  (tries to interrupt harry but fai ls and they speak together) {no, no, no, all he mentioned, actually, can I just say? All he mentioned, all, all} H:†¦ I don’t like about you James is you can’t accept when you’re wrong and I think you have to, have to take on, take on board that actually erm   through discussion we came to, came about these ideas to do this theme. M: I think it was James and me,{ I developed it, I developed it. Yes, yes, yeah} J: {no, no, no, I’m not happy with that, not happy with that} H: {How, how?Have you not heard about the deliveries? Have you not heard about the deliveries? Have you listened? } J: You came up with the idea to turn one of the, one the stalls into a treasure {chest} M: {yeah} J: after I came up with the idea, after I {named it. No, no, you didn’t Mohammed. You’re lying in boardroom} M: {No, no, no, I was the one who came up with the pirates, I was the one who came up with the costumes. I came up with the costumes and {he wants to take all the credit (2) no, no I chose it} J: {no you didn’t.I chose the pirate costumes and asked will anyone wear this and then no one, no one came up and I said} I will wear the pirate {costume}- (Harry talks at the same time at this point) M: {I was the one, I was the one, I was the one} (tries to interrupt James) H: {Lord Sugar} at the moment this is turning into a never ending list of Mohammed’s, of Mohammed’s achievements and it’s just not {founded, it’s completely unfounded} M:{no, no, no, no, I think, I think as a project manager}-( interrupted by SA) SA: Mohammed, Mohammed, let me give- can I give you my call on it?M: Yeah. SA: Ok, now take this in the nicest possible way. I don’t think that you could be responsible for everything good that went on in this task. It’s, it’s, it’s physically impossible. Okay? M: Yeah. SA: Forget about the pirate theme and this theme and what not, what else did you do? M: erm, I think, personally, I don’t well. I was making customers come to the stall, I was serving them, I was being polite, I was being confident that’s the reason why I think that on the, {on the paper, yeah I think} SA: {You sold ? 2 worth of stuff} M: {yeah, on pap-} SA: {? 62} worth of stuff. 10% , approximately of the sales and all I’m hearing from you is, you’ve taken, you’re taking the claim for everything good and what you would have done if you were the pr- pr – project manager and you didn’t. You had the chance to be a project manager and you didn’t put yourself forward. Right? M : nods SA: Listen, who should get fired? J: I think, Mohammed. SA: Why? J: Because, his contribution was nothing throughout the whole {task. } M: {no†¦ }

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